
Showing posts from January, 2022

Week Two - SEO vs. SEM

This week, I was able to learn more about the difference between SEO and SEM. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is what happens when your business gets ranked inside of a search engine. You can end up ranked in the search engine organically, or you can pay for your link to show up ranked as an ad. Having your website ranked on a search engine can lead to an increase in engagement, which would bring more traffic to your website. Being ranked can lead your business to get more exposure. There are many different kinds of search engines, but the main one is Google. Youtube and other social media sites also have their own kind of search engine embedded into their website. Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is a subset of SEO and marketing. It is what happens when a company pays to run ads inside of a search engine. I tend to always notice when I go to google something, the first few options would say “ad” next to it. Since the company is paying for their link to show up, I would always wond

Week Two - Introduction to AI

Having read Surfing the Tsunami last semester, I was interested to see what I would learn from reading it a second time. After reading Chapter 1, I was able to rediscover the basics of Artificial Intelligence. AI is already very prevalent in businesses, and it seems to be gaining more involvement as the years go on. It’s scary to think that even though artificial intelligence is a newer concept, that it could eventually be developed into mimicking human intelligence/experience. It makes me think about the future for business if computers replace humans in the workforce.  When I first heard the term ‘artificial intelligence,’ I envisioned a human-like robot with a face and a body shaped like a human. After reading through chapter one, I realize that it’s more about machines taking on the tasks that humans would be doing at work. Automation in manufacturing is something that was frowned upon at first, but now it has simplified the process for many businesses and made mass production a lo

MKTG 3348 - Week One: Introduction

My name is Cami Gardell and I am currently a junior studying Marketing and Entrepreneurship. This week, I read through the syllabus and wrote down all of the assignments that are due for the course. I had a blog created from a previous class I had taken with Dr. Kelsey, so I just used the same one instead of creating another. This semester I am excited to learn about content development, and search engine browser optimization. I think both of these topics are very important in the business field.