Week 6 - Facebook's Social Impact

Seeing how Facebook is one of the largest and most well-known social media platforms, the way they advertise their social impact is extremely important. After reviewing the reading and learning more about how Facebook has changed their advertising system, I was curious to look though the website shared on LinkedIn. On Facebook's 'Social Impact' website, there are many different tabs where anyone can go to research what kind of Facebook advertisements/pages would be most beneficial for them. Some of these categories include charitable giving, crisis response, health, and mentorship. For non-profits, this is extremely important because it can be seen as a way to advertise without worrying about breaking the bank. 

Implemented in each type of page is something that can be of use for non-profit organizations. For example, the charitable giving tab has a feature where the organizations can receive donations from Facebook users, without paying any sort of fee. This is extremely helpful in ensuring that they are raising as much money for charity as possible. Another helpful resource can be found under the health tab. Resources such as local blood drives/events and phone numbers to important hotlines can be displayed on the pages. Overall, Facebook has a nice set up for non-profit organizations who are looking to advertise their business. 


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