Week 11 - Introduction to AI

Before performing the reading and looking at the presentation for this week, I was not fully aware of the impact that automation could have on certain industries. Seeing AI being divided up into the three stages (adapt, adopt, adept) was an interesting perspective in order to become more familiar with what can be seen as overwhelming. For adept, the best stage of consideration, it would be beneficial because we would be able to interact with developing AI and learning how it works. This would be seen as extremely desirable to companies, because it would allow their employees to be familiar with the technology they are trying to adopt. Automation seems to be showing up more in industries nowadays due to certain technology advancements.

One of the downsides of automation that was described in the presentation was job loss. I think that this is an important factor to consider, however I don’t think it is one that should lead to rejection of automation. The more advancements that are made in technology lead to businesses running more efficiently. I would say the outlook of optimists in this case is a valid point that is being made. When automation increases, I still think that other jobs will be created in other sectors that haven’t reached the point of extreme automation. Being a realist in this situation, however, makes the most sense. It is important to stay up to date on the advancements with automation and how it is affecting jobs, while also encouraging the creation of new technology. 


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