
Week Eight - SEO Certifications

Before taking this class, I did not know much about SEO. I had no idea that it was important to a business and didn't know anything about it. After taking this class, I realize that SEO is a very important aspect in promoting a business. If businesses choose to use SEO to improve their rank, they are more likely to receive clicks from people on search engines. It is a great form of marketing that allows companies to utilize their skills and content to make it easier for consumers to find their things.  I looked through the different certifications and thought that some of them might be very useful. Seeing how these certifications can separate you from other candidates, it seems worthwhile to put in the time to get the certifications. It is interesting to me that SEO is the highest profitable digital marketing service, because I never heard of it prior to taking this class. After learning about what it is, I can tell that it is a very important service, that has lots of benefits. 

Week Eight - HubSpot Certification

This week, I took the HubSpot Certification Exam for Inbound Marketing. I enjoyed the HubSpot course and thought that it was very useful. I learned a lot about Inbound Marketing and what kinds of things I should be looking for. It also taught me how to create content that is relevant to the product I am trying to promote, in order to increase business. The platform was very helpful and I see myself using it as a resource in the future to better myself and learn more skills. 

Week Seven - AI Interviews

This week, in Surfing The Tsunami, Dr. Kelsey introduces different people who are involved in artificial intelligence. I thought this was a very useful concept to read about because it provided insight from those who work closely with artificial intelligence and have a better understanding of how it all works. It seems more useful to hear from people who work with AI on a day-to-day basis, rather than trying to research and pick from hundreds of articles that discuss it. The people he interviewed in his book all seem to be extremely educated and qualified to discuss this topic.  The interviewee that I found most interesting was Geoffrey Hinton. The question that Dr. Kelsey asked him was about what inspired him to get involved with AI. His response was a bit frightening - he said that he wanted to know how the brain worked, and that the best way in his opinion is to try and build one. I thought that this was extremely fascinating, but also a bit alarming. I realize that artificial intel

Week Seven - Keywords

This week, Dr. Kelsey provided us with an activity that helps us understand keywords in terms of SEO. Keywords allow people to find your website from search engines like Google. The keywords can be a word or phrase that are relevant to the content that allows your website to be ranked when someone creates a search using those keywords. Without keywords, if you are posting relevant content but not using necessary keywords, it won’t be as successful in rank as it could be. Searching for your rank using keywords is a good method to see where your website is ranking on a search engine.  I thought the Keyword Rank Checker website was super interesting. It is a great tool that businesses can use to see if they are utilizing the correct keywords to be ranked properly. All you have to do is type in the keyword, then the domain, and it shows where you rank. If a business is trying to become more familiar with SEO, this is a great tool they can use to see how their optimization is affecting thei

Week Six - AI and Data Science

This week, I read chapter 6 of Dr. Kelsey’s book on AI. Chapter 6 is all about learning the ins and outs of artificial intelligence to use it to its maximum value. It discusses how it is important to learn about all of the details in order to begin developing it within your business. The chapter talks about resources you can use to improve your knowledge on artificial intelligence. There are some websites such as DataRobot that have helpful tips about learning artificial intelligence and implementing it.  The chapter moves on to talk about machine learning. Machine learning is an aspect of artificial intelligence that has a major impact on companies today. Data science is another important part of AI that is required to know if you want to be successful using artificial intelligence. By learning the data, you can ensure that the information being used by your machines and AI is accurate and being computed correctly. There are many apps and resources out there that can help people learn

Week Six - Personalized SEO

This week, we focused on our personal SEO. I have always been told by family and teachers to make sure that I would not post anything on social media that I wouldn’t want a future employer to see. It’s important to make sure that whatever is posted online is appropriate and doesn’t reflect poorly on you. I usually google my name every few weeks just to see what pops up to make sure that everything looks good and is an accurate reflection of myself. After reading the survey on how companies refused to hire a candidate over something on their social media is unnerving and makes me want to be sure that everything I am posting is okay. When I google myself, the first thing that comes up is my LinkedIn. Next is the Benedictine Women’s Golf roster since I am on the team. Followed by that, is my Instagram and Facebook. After reading that article I chose to make my Instagram account private so that only select people can view it. I also chose to delete a few pictures that I thought were not th

Week Five - Artificial Intelligence

This week, I read through chapter 5 of the Surfing the Tsunami book written by Dr. Kelsey. This chapter was all about adopting artificial intelligence. In the book, Dr. Kelsey mentions how it is important to trust the process in learning about AI. He does a great job of emphasizing that change isn’t always a bad thing, it is just something that we need to get used to and adapt to. Accepting artificial intelligence is important for businesses to continue being successful in the future. Whether they like it or not, advancements in technology are going to continue to happen, and it is important to the survival of their business in the future.  In the book, it is mentioned that a lot of aspects of artificial intelligence are prevalent in today’s society. Dr. Kelsey provides the example of Amazon, which I think is an example of how it can be used for good. Although there is the concern of job replacement, I think that the business that Amazon has built has done more help than hurt. They hav