
Showing posts from November, 2021

Week 12 - Preparing for Hootsuite Certification

This week, I focused on going through the teachings in order to start preparing myself to take the Hootsuite certification exam. I have found the information they teach us to be very beneficial, and I think it will be useful for me in my future career. Being able to plan posts, see insights on social media posts, and keep tabs on all of my socials at once is a huge help. Keeping everything together makes it a lot easier to run multiple accounts. One thing I have learned from this course that I think is relevant and beneficial, is the idea of keeping the audience engaged. Businesses can advertise as much as they want, but if the audience is not engaging with their social media advertisements, they serve little to no purpose.  Since I have not taken the certification exam, I went through the steps of adding the certification without actually doing it. Adding the certification section will allow me to show future employers what kinds of skills I am certified in. That way, once I pass the

Week 11 - Introduction to AI

Before performing the reading and looking at the presentation for this week, I was not fully aware of the impact that automation could have on certain industries. Seeing AI being divided up into the three stages (adapt, adopt, adept) was an interesting perspective in order to become more familiar with what can be seen as overwhelming. For adept, the best stage of consideration, it would be beneficial because we would be able to interact with developing AI and learning how it works. This would be seen as extremely desirable to companies, because it would allow their employees to be familiar with the technology they are trying to adopt. Automation seems to be showing up more in industries nowadays due to certain technology advancements. One of the downsides of automation that was described in the presentation was job loss. I think that this is an important factor to consider, however I don’t think it is one that should lead to rejection of automation. The more advancements that are made

Week 10 - Social Media Advertising

This week's discussion was interesting to see from the other side - the perspective that social media isn’t necessarily beneficial for businesses. Social media can be very beneficial for posting, especially to those customers who stay loyal to a brand and follow them on all platforms. Speaking from personal experience, I love following my favorite brands on social media to keep up with their new products and campaigns. It allows marketers to stay connected to the returning customers to show new products and to keep them engaged. However, it is more difficult for companies to advertise to newer customers on different social media platforms, unless they have the funds to do so.  The fact stated that more people stick to Google and other search engine’s when their purchase intent is high, makes a lot of sense. If there is something that I am looking to purchase specifically, I’m more inclined to search it on google rather than on Facebook. Facebook ads seem to be more beneficial for l

Week 9 - Marketing Evolution

In relation to the discussion of marketing evolution, I wanted to touch on some of the changes my favorite social media platforms have made in the last few months. Instagram specifically comes to mind when I think about decisions that have been made to evolve these apps. They made a lot of changes to the layout of the app, as well as the algorithm and the way they curate users' news feeds. I remember when these changes first came out, a lot of people were upset with the adjustments, including myself. When you use a social media platform every day, changes like the ones they made take some time to get used to. Additionally, many social media influencers had negative impacts on their engagement once they changed the algorithm. One of the major changes they included was a change in the app layout. Instead of having the button to create a post or see your notifications on the bottom, they moved it to the top right. This allowed Instagram to include a designated section on the app in or